“Would, used to, be + always + -ing”

“Would, used to, be + always + -ing”

Resultado de imagen para “Would, used to, be + always + -ing”


Se usan "used to" y "would" para describir los hábitos o cosas que eran verdad o ciertas en el pasado pero que ya no ocurren o no son verdad en el presente.
  • Se puede usar "used to" o "would" para describir las acciones repetidas en el pasado
  • Sólo se usa "used to" para cosas ciertas en el pasado.


"used to" o "would"
  • used to get up at 6am to go to school.
  • would get up at 6am to go to school.
used to
  • I used to live in France. not I would live in France.
  • I used to have a pet rabbit. not I would have a pet rabbit. 
    Son verdades del pasado

"used to" vs. "would" 
Compare las siguientes frases:
  • used to / would go camping when I was young. 
    "go" describe una acción repetida. 
  • used to love camping when I was young. 
    "love" describe una verdad/realidad.

Forma 1 - used to

Resultado de imagen para used to
Se usa "used to" con el infinitivo del verbo principal (sin "to)". En las formas negativas e interrogativas, se usa "did" con "use to" (no "used to"): 
AfirmativoI / You / We / They 
He / She / It
used tolikechocolate.
Negativodidn't use to 
did not use to

interrogativoDidI / you / we / they 
he / she / it
use tolikechocolate?


Complete las frases con la forma afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa de "used to" usando el verbo entre paréntesis:

  • Sarah  good at dancing. (be) 
  • When I was young, I  fish but now I eat it all the time. (not eat) 
  •  piano lessons. (have) 
  • Where did they  to school? (go) 

Forma 2 - would

Resultado de imagen para “ be + always + -ing”
Se usa "would" con el infinitivo del verbo principal (sin "to"): 
AfirmativoI / You / We / They 
He / She / It
would not

interrogativoWouldI / you / we / they 
he / she / it
Se pueden contraer "would" y el pronombre sujeto:
I’d / you’d / we’d / they’d / she’d / he’d / it’d


Complete las frases con la forma afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa de "would" con el verbo entre paréntesis:

  • When I was learning to play the piano, I  every evening. (practise) 
  • At university, Michael  until late at night. (study) 
  • They  spicy food when they were young. (not eat) 
  • Before you bought a car, how  you  to work? (travel) 
Be + always + -ing
Resultado de imagen para “ be + always + -ing”
A) They are always complaining.
B) They always complain.

Could you explain a difference between the two sentences? When should I use the first setence instead of the second setence?
Sentence A – using "always" with the present progressive to describe an habitual action – is an alternate way of saying sentence B.

Sometimes it's possible, and very expressive, to structure a sentence in the way that sentence A is structured to describe a recurring action of somebody. Often the speaker is complaining about the person s/he is describing.

Other examples like this:

"¢ I can't stand my roommate! He's always leaving dirty dishes in the sink.

"¢ Will you please let me finish my sentences? You're always interrupting me!

"¢ What? You forgot your keys again? You're always forgetting your keys! You should tie them around your neck with a string!

In each of the sentences above, you can, of course, also use the simple present tense, which would a statement of fact, not necessarily showing your attitude. In the sentences above, however, you are showing annoyance.

It's also possible to show extreme approval with this construction, although it is less frequently used in this way::

"¢ Oh, Mary is so generous! She's always giving money and her time to charity organizations.

"¢ Bob is a born handyman. He's always looking for something to fix in his house.


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